
Child Protection Policy for Institute Krav Maga Cork

1. Introduction

Institute Krav Maga Cork is committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of all children and young people who participate in our activities. This policy outlines our commitment to safeguarding children from harm and provides a framework for staff, volunteers, and participants to follow in order to protect children and young people.

2. Definitions

  • Child: Any person under the age of 18.
  • Staff: Any person employed by Institute Krav Maga Cork, including instructors, administrative personnel, and other employees.
  • Volunteers: Any person offering their services without financial gain, including assistant instructors and helpers.
  • Parent/Guardian: Any person with legal responsibility for a child.
  • Abuse: Physical, emotional, sexual harm, or neglect that results in significant harm to a child’s health, development, or dignity.

3. Policy Statement

Institute Krav Maga Cork:

  • Believes that the welfare of children is paramount.
  • Recognizes that all children, regardless of background, have the right to protection from harm.
  • Commits to creating a safe environment for children and young people.

4. Code of Conduct

For Staff and Volunteers

  • Treat all children and young people with respect and dignity.
  • Always act in a professional manner, maintaining appropriate boundaries.
  • Be aware of situations which may present risks and manage these appropriately.
  • Avoid being alone with a child unless necessary and ensure others are informed if this is unavoidable.
  • Never engage in rough physical games, sexually provocative games, or allow inappropriate touching.
  • Do not use corporal punishment or any form of physical discipline.
  • Do not make sexually suggestive comments to a child.
  • Avoid favoritism and treat all children equally.
  • Ensure that language is appropriate and not offensive or discriminatory.
  • Report any concerns or allegations of child abuse immediately in accordance with the reporting procedures.

For Children and Young People

  • Respect your instructors, staff, and fellow students.
  • Participate fairly and follow the rules and guidelines set out by the instructors.
  • Avoid any behavior that may harm or intimidate others.
  • Report any inappropriate behavior or anything that makes you feel uncomfortable to a trusted adult.

For Parents and Guardians

  • Encourage your child to respect others and follow the code of conduct.
  • Ensure that your child attends classes regularly and arrives on time.
  • Communicate any concerns about your child’s welfare to the instructors or staff promptly.
  • Support the efforts of the instructors and staff to provide a safe and enjoyable environment for all participants.

5. Recruitment and Training

  • Recruitment: All staff and volunteers will undergo a thorough recruitment process, including background checks and reference checks.
  • Training: All staff and volunteers will receive training on child protection policies and procedures.

6. Reporting Procedures

  • Any suspicion or allegation of abuse must be reported to the Child Protection Officer (CPO) immediately.
  • The CPO will take appropriate action, which may include contacting external authorities such as social services or the police.
  • Confidentiality must be maintained, and information only shared with those necessary to protect the child.

7. Responding to Disclosures

If a child discloses abuse:

  • Listen carefully without judgment.
  • Do not promise to keep secrets; explain that you must report the abuse to get help.
  • Record the disclosure accurately and report it to the CPO immediately.

8. Responsibilities

  • Child Protection Officer (CPO): The CPO is responsible for implementing and reviewing the child protection policy, handling reports of abuse, and liaising with external authorities.
  • Staff and Volunteers: All staff and volunteers are responsible for adhering to the policy and reporting any concerns.

9. Monitoring and Review

  • This policy will be reviewed annually or whenever there is a significant change in legislation or guidance.
  • Feedback from children, parents, and staff will be sought to ensure the policy is effective.

10. Contact Information

  • Child Protection Officer (CPO): Arthur Dziadkowiec
  • Local Authorities: 021 2373774
  • Police: 999/112

11. Signatures

We, the undersigned, have read and agree to abide by the Child Protection Policy of Institute Krav Maga Cork.

12. Appendices

Appendix A: Recognizing Signs of Abuse

  • Physical Abuse: Unexplained injuries, bruises, or burns.
  • Emotional Abuse: Excessive withdrawal, fear, or anxiety.
  • Sexual Abuse: Inappropriate sexual behavior or knowledge.
  • Neglect: Poor hygiene, malnutrition, or unattended medical needs.