Adult Martial Arts

Get Fit. Get Strong. Get Safe: Train in Krav Maga This Summer Now!


🔆 Join Our Summer Krav Maga Adult Program – Limited Spots Available! 🔆

This Summer, Discover the Power of Krav Maga!

Are you ready to challenge yourself, gain practical self-defense skills, and meet new friends? Our Summer Krav Maga Adult Program is perfect for you! No experience necessary – all fitness levels are welcome!

Discover the Ultimate Self-Defence System

Discover a new path to fitness, self-defense mastery, and camaraderie at Institute Krav Maga in Cork. Tailored for adults aged 16 and above, our club offers an empowering blend of physical conditioning, practical self-defense techniques, and a vibrant community of like-minded individuals.

Krav Maga stands as a renowned martial art, celebrated for its real-world effectiveness in close-quarters combat. Led by seasoned instructors, our classes provide a safe environment to grasp and apply swift, pragmatic methods for personal protection.

Dive into a comprehensive curriculum encompassing essential self-defense maneuvers: liberating holds and grips, defensive strikes, heightened awareness of edged weapons, and more. With each session, you’ll not only enhance your physical prowess but also cultivate strength, flexibility, and agility.

Beyond the tangible benefits of improved fitness and self-defense prowess, our club fosters lasting connections with fellow practitioners, ensuring each visit is as enriching socially as it is physically. Whether you’re a newcomer seeking to fortify your skills or a seasoned enthusiast, our doors are open to all.

Join us at Institute Krav Maga Cork, where every punch, kick, and technique brings you closer to a healthier, more confident version of yourself. Embark on your journey today and unlock your potential for personal empowerment.

Empowering Cork: Krav Maga’s Practical Approach to Self-Defense

Krav Maga training equips everyday people, young and old with the knowledge and skills they need to react in everyday life to stay safe in dangerous situations. That’s what so many people in Cork are finding out!

Krav Maga is also trusted by law enforcement and military organisations around the world, because of how practical it is for self defence. This makes it the ideal system to learn.




“Coaching is unlocking a person’s potential to maximise performance” and this club does. Artur and his team are so professional no matter what your fitness level, great group of people train here who help and support you. Great work out and great skill learned.” – Mary

adult krav maga programme

A great way to reduce stress

Why should you learn Krav Maga:

gettin started


What our Members Say

Krav Maga can benefit so many people! Don’t just take our word for it – here’s what our students says!

Get a Life-Changing Adult Krav Maga Class in Cork

Book Your Adult Trial Class

Use the booking system below to select your trial class
We look forward to seeing you.


Frequently Asked Questions

How Fit I have to Be to Start krav maga?

No, starting Krav Maga initiates an immediate enhancement of your fitness levels through dynamic movement and active learning. Our experienced instructors tailor the pace of training to align with your personal goals, ensuring optimal progress.

Many individuals struggle to adhere to fitness programs due to boredom, lack of focus, or feeling lost. However, Krav Maga provides a diverse range of activities, ensuring that every session is engaging and enjoyable. You’ll leave each class feeling invigorated, with a smile on your face and sweat on your brow.

On what is our training based on?

Our adult program is rooted in the exploration of human instinct and informed by our real-life experiences, ensuring its continuous evolution alongside urban dynamics. It offers a straightforward learning approach, emphasizing innovative and creative techniques to empower our students.

What Clothing or Clothing Do I Need For First Class?

You will only need your normal gym gear, a sweat towel, bottle of water to keep yourself hydrated whilst training as we provide all other relevant training equipment for your first class.

Who will be training with?

As a beginner to Krav Maga you’ll join our Defender programme where we focus on the foundations of the Krav Maga system and ensure you’re paired with someone of similar experience.

However, our longest serving club members are very humble and welcome the chance to help others who are just starting out with their Krav Maga training. We enforce an ego-free, positive and supportive training environment.

Am I too Old For Your Classes?

Our oldest student, in his 60s, enthusiastically enjoys our classes, proving that age is no barrier to joining. Everyone is welcome, regardless of age, to embark on this rewarding journey with us.

will i get hurt during your classes?

Despite teaching no nonsense, reality based street defence; our classes are not only taught in a very fun and enjoyable manner but more importantly are always taught with great care and control to promote a very safe environment for all students.

Getting hurt in our classes should never be a concern for any potential student, especially when we have students ranging from only 6 years old to students in their 60’s.

From What Age can somone join your classes?

Super Kravers is our youngest age group ranging from the ages of 6 to 10 and Smart Street Teens ages 11 – 15yrs.

do i need to be physically fit before joining your classes?

Absolutely not. In fact, many people join our classes especially to get fit and into shape. We have had people join our classes who started off very unfit and only in a matter of a few weeks, their fitness greatly improved and continues to do so. Read the testimonials of these people yourself on our reviews page.

Where I can park my car?

We have allocated and private parking.

Can I only attend one class per week or do I need attend more classes each week?

We have some students who can only make one lesson per week due to other commitments and then we have other students who come four times a week.

The progress made by training more than once a week will naturally be far greater. But it is understandable if you have other commitments as training once a week is still much better than having no training at all.

Is there a grading system for adults?

Our system comprises Defender Levels 1-5, Fighter Levels 1-5, and Expert Levels 1-5. Each level offers unique challenges and opportunities for growth, ensuring a dynamic and engaging experience for participants at every stage of their journey.

Can I only attend one class per week or do I need attend more classes each week?

We have some students who can only make one lesson per week due to other commitments and then we have other students who come four times a week.

The progress made by training more than once a week will naturally be far greater. But it is understandable if you have other commitments as training once a week is still much better than having no training at all.




Our hours

17:30 PM – 21.00 PM
Monday – Friday, Sat 9am -1pm

Contact us

Phone: 085 710 3924